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Invalid cell value type spreadsheetgear crack: How to fix it with IValues


Apologies if you've answered this a million times. I was trying to figure out how to make the cell following the one that I edited automatically update to the preceding date. So if I type 2/23, the next cell updates to 2/24 and so on. It seems like this is an automatic feature but it's not working for me. I do have the first cell entered as the word "Date" and then the next cell entered as Sunday, Feb,20, then I'd like the next cells to automatically update the dates.

You can actually apply the Date format: Month (Aug)-Year(1930), to these cells with the standard option from the Google Sheets menu right away without removing the timestamp. But if removing the timestamps is necessary, you can quickly get rid of them (without losing the data type) using this tool.

invalid cell value type spreadsheetgear crack

hii was trying convert date value which is in text data type into date data type i did try using DATEVALUE and TO_DATE combination to turn it into number data type but it is not changing i also tried using query function with format but it doesn't work to so pls can you suggest something it would helpful

Hi Natalia--thanks for all your comments above. I've got a quandary with Sheets automatically converting a string to a date when an array function is pulling values from cells with either two-digit or three-digit strings like "4 5" or "1 2 3". The displayed values are respectively "44291" and "37623", respectively. Other cells that the array function uses that are populated with four-digit or one-digit strings like "4 5 6 7" "1" are accurately reflected as displayed.

'arguments.CurrentWorksheet.Workbook.NumberToDateTime(inpDate)' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' base: "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.\r\nParameter name: Invalid date-time serial number." ActualValue: null Message: "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.\r\nParameter name: Invalid date-time serial number."

The SpreadsheetGear family of products is made up of powerful and flexible Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet components and includes SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET Framework, SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET and SpreadsheetGear for Windows.SpreadsheetGear enables ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Windows Forms, WPF, iOS, Android, Linux, macOS and UWP developers to easily take advantage of scalable Excel Reporting, dynamic dashboards from Excel charts and ranges, powerful spreadsheet controls, comprehensive Excel compatible charting, the fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculations and more.Samples DownloadWhich SpreadsheetGear product is right for you?SpreadsheetGear 2023 for .NET Framework comes with assemblies built for .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET 4.6.2 while SpreadsheetGear Engine for .NET requires a platform which supports .NET 6 or .NET Standard 2.0 or later. SpreadsheetGear for Windows requires .NET 6 or later. Although the feature set across products are very similar, there are some differences...Compare Products/* Inline Drop Down - used for "Related Samples" */ div.idd position: relative; width: 10px; height: 10px; display: inline-block; div.idd a color: #ccdeff; div.idd .samples-icon cursor: pointer; div.idd img.icon display: block; cursor: pointer; position: absolute; top: -5px; left: -2px; div.idd div.dd position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; display: none; background-color: #444444; padding: 8px; color: White; width: 400px; z-index: 100; div.idd div.dd span.close font-size: 12pt; float: right; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer; color: white; div.idd div.dd div.header font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid #999; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; div.idd div.dd ul font-size: 10pt; padding-left: 20px; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; div.idd div.dd ul li list-style-image: none; div.idd div.dd span.btn-close /* Features styles */ .searchable .searchable h3 margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; .searchable .collapsibleGroup cursor: pointer; .searchable .collapsible /*cursor:pointer; font-weight:bold;*/ .searchable .metadata display: none; Feature Finder SearchEnter one or more keywords to filter down the list of features.Show All Hide All General Features Royalty free deployment to 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 (including R2), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022. Create, read, modify, view, edit, format, calculate, print and write Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (xls) and Excel 2007-2019 Open XML (xlsx and xlsm) workbooks without Excel. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Simple Excel Report Scalable and reliable Excel Reporting. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel ReportingSimple Excel ReportExcel Report with Formulas and FormattingExcel Report with Formatted ChartExcel Report with Chart (From Template Workbook)Excel Report with Chart Linked to Defined NameWorksheet with Chart to Multiple Worksheets with ChartsExcel Report with PictureDataTable to Excel WorkbookDataTable to Excel Workbook with ChartDataTable to Excel Workbook with Formats and FormulasDataSet to Excel Workbook with Formats and FormulasSQL DataTable to WorkbookSQL DataTable to Template WorkbookExcel Workbook ConsolidationGroup, Outline and Summarize to Excel Powerful Windows Forms and WPF spreadsheet controls. SamplesRelated Samples:Windows Forms and WPF Samples Fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculation engine available (significantly faster than Excel in many cases). SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Calculation EngineFormula EvaluationSimple Loan CalculatorAmortization CalculatorCustom Functions Easily create images from Excel charts and ranges. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Chart and Range Imaging > SpreadsheetGear Image Rendering Utility Comprehensive Excel compatible charting. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesChartingBasicColumn ChartLine ChartPie ChartBar ChartArea ChartStockH-L-C Stock ChartO-H-L-C Stock ChartV-H-L-C Stock ChartV-O-H-L-C Stock ChartScatter ChartBubble ChartRadar ChartGantt ChartCombination ChartEmbed Picture In ChartCreate Chart SheetASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel ChartingDynamic Chart GalleryBasic ChartStock ChartStacked Combination ChartGantt Chart3D Cylinder ChartExcel Report with Formatted ChartExcel Report with Chart (From Template Workbook) Versatile autofilters with top or bottom n items or percent, above or below average, font color, cell color, conditional format icon, custom criteria, sorting, SUBTOTAL and more. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Auto Filter Read and write password protected xls, xlsx and xlsm workbooks, including new Agile Encryption used by Excel 2013 and later. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Opening > Password-Protected FilesWorkbook > Saving > Workbook Encryption Read and write CSV and tab separated text files. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Simple Excel Report Support for cell comments, pictures, text boxes, check boxes, drop-downs, list boxes, spinners, scrollbars, buttons, lines and many autoshapes. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesShapesForm ControlsButtonCheckBoxComboBoxListBoxSpinnerScrollBarGroupBox and OptionButtonsLinesLine WeightLine Dash StyleArrowheadsPictureTextBoxAuto Shapes Drag Fill / Auto Fill including support for numbers, dates, times, month names, day names and certain text patterns. Fill Data Series support including automatic, chronological, linear, growth, day, weekday, month, year, start value, step value, stop value and the ability to use regression for linear or exponential trends. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Fill Data Series Fast single variable and single target goal seeking. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Values and Formulas > Goal Seek Data validation including operators, alert messages, alert styles, custom formulas and drop-down lists. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > Validation Conditional formats with support for simple comparison operators and custom formulas. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange SamplesConditional FormatsColor ScaleData BarIcon SetTop 10Above AverageUnique ValuesCell ValueCustom ExpressionAlternating Row Colors Copy and insert DataTables into pre-formatted ranges with complete formula, border and format fixups. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > DataTable to Excel Workbook with Formats and Formulas Easily convert entire workbooks or specific ranges to a DataSet or DataTable. Copy, transpose and consolidate across cells, worksheets, workbooks and workbook sets. Insert, delete and clear rows, columns and cells. Stable sort with an unlimited number of keys and the ability to sort text as numbers. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Sorting Grouping and outlining of rows and columns. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Group, Outline and Summarize to Excel Supports 1,048,576 rows, 16,384 columns, 64K worksheets, unlimited workbooks and unlimited workbook sets. Copy, insert and move entire worksheets. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Miscellaneous > Manage Sheets, Worksheets and Chart SheetsASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Excel Workbook Consolidation Reads and writes VBA Macros (preservation only--does not include execution of Macros). A wide variety of C# samples including live samples for ASP.NET Core Razor Pages and Windows Forms. SamplesRelated Samples:Windows Forms and WPF SamplesView All Available Samples and Tutorials Calculation Engine Fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculation engine available (significantly faster than Excel in many cases). SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Calculation EngineFormula EvaluationSimple Loan CalculatorAmortization CalculatorCustom FunctionsMulti-threaded calculations efficiently utilize today's multi-core CPUs.multithreading multithreadedInterruptible background calculation enables responsive applications. 449 Excel compatible financial, date, time, text, lookup, math, trigonometry, statistical, engineering, database, information, logical and web functions (see list here). SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Calculation Engine > Formula EvaluationDAVERAGE DCOUNT DCOUNTA DGET DMAX DMIN DPRODUCT DSTDEV DSTDEVP DSUM DVAR DVARP DATE DATEDIF DATEVALUE DAY DAYS360 EDATE EOMONTH HOUR MINUTE MONTH NETWORKDAYS NETWORKDAYS.INTL NOW SECOND TIME TIMEVALUE TODAY WEEKDAY WEEKNUM WORKDAY WORKDAY.INTL YEAR YEARFRAC BESSELI BESSELJ BESSELK BESSELY BIN2DEC BIN2HEX BIN2OCT COMPLEX CONVERT DEC2BIN DEC2HEX DEC2OCT DELTA ERF ERF.PRECISE ERFC ERFC.PRECISE GESTEP HEX2BIN HEX2DEC HEX2OCT IMABS IMAGINARY IMARGUMENT IMCONJUGATE IMCOS IMDIV IMEXP IMLN IMLOG10 IMLOG2 IMPOWER IMPRODUCT IMREAL IMSIN IMSQRT IMSUB IMSUM OCT2BIN OCT2DEC OCT2HEX ACCRINT ACCRINTM AMORDEGRC AMORLINC COUPDAYBS COUPDAYS COUPDAYSNC COUPNCD COUPNUM COUPPCD CUMIPMT CUMPRINC DB DDB DISC DOLLARDE DOLLARFR DURATION EFFECT FV FVSCHEDULE INTRATE IPMT IRR ISPMT MDURATION MIRR NOMINAL NPER NPV ODDFPRICE ODDFYIELD ODDLPRICE ODDLYIELD PMT PPMT PRICE PRICEDISC PRICEMAT PV RATE RECEIVED SLN SYD TBILLEQ TBILLPRICE TBILLYIELD VDB XIRR XNPV YIELD YIELDDISC YIELDMAT CELL ERROR.TYPE INFO ISBLANK ISERR ISERROR ISEVEN ISLOGICAL ISNA ISNONTEXT ISNUMBER ISODD ISREF ISTEXT N NA TYPE AND FALSE IF IFERROR NOT OR TRUE ADDRESS AREAS CHOOSE COLUMN COLUMNS HLOOKUP HYPERLINK INDEX INDIRECT LOOKUP MATCH OFFSET ROW ROWS TRANSPOSE VLOOKUP ABS ACOS ACOSH ASIN ASINH ATAN ATAN2 ATANH CEILING CEILING.PRECISE COMBIN COS COSH DEGREES EVEN EXP FACT FACTDOUBLE FLOOR FLOOR.PRECISE GCD INT LCM LN LOG LOG10 MDETERM MINVERSE MMULT MOD MROUND MULTINOMIAL ODD PI POWER PRODUCT QUOTIENT RADIANS RAND RANDBETWEEN ROMAN ROUND ROUNDDOWN ROUNDUP SERIESSUM SIGN SIN SINH SQRT SQRTPI SUBTOTAL SUM SUMIF SUMIFS SUMPRODUCT SUMSQ SUMX2MY2 SUMX2PY2 SUMXMY2 TAN TANH TRUNC BETADIST BETAINV BINOMDIST CHIDIST CHIINV CHITEST CONFIDENCE COVAR EXPONDIST FDIST FINV FTEST GAMMADIST GAMMAINV LOGINV LOGNORMDIST MODE NEGBINOMDIST NORMDIST NORMINV NORMSDIST PERCENTILE PERCENTRANK POISSON QUARTILE RANK STDEV STDEVP TDIST TINV TTEST VAR VARP WEIBULL ZTEST AVEDEV AVERAGE AVERAGEA AVERAGEIF AVERAGEIFS BETA.DIST BETA.INV BINOM.DIST BINOM.INV CHISQ.DIST CHISQ.DIST.RT CHISQ.INV CHISQ.INV.RT CHISQ.TEST CONFIDENCE.NORM CONFIDENCE.T CORREL COUNT COUNTA COUNTBLANK COUNTIF COUNTIFS COVARIANCE.P COVARIANCE.S CRITBINOM DEVSQ EXPON.DIST F.DIST F.DIST.RT F.INV F.INV.RT F.TEST FISHER FISHERINV FORECAST FREQUENCY GAMMA.DIST GAMMA.INV GAMMALN GAMMALN.PRECISE GEOMEAN GROWTH HARMEAN HYPGEOM.DIST HYPGEOMDIST INTERCEPT KURT LARGE LINEST LOGEST LOGNORM.DIST LOGNORM.INV MAX MAXA MEDIAN MIN MINA MODE.MULT MODE.SNGL NEGBINOM.DIST NORM.DIST NORM.INV NORM.S.DIST NORM.S.INV NORMSINV PEARSON PERCENTILE.EXC PERCENTILE.INC PERCENTRANK.EXC PERCENTRANK.INC PERMUT POISSON.DIST PROB QUARTILE.EXC QUARTILE.INC RANK.AVG RANK.EQ RSQ SKEW SLOPE SMALL STANDARDIZE STDEV.P STDEV.S STDEVA STDEVPA STEYX T.DIST T.DIST.2T T.DIST.RT T.INV T.INV.2T T.TEST TREND TRIMMEAN VAR.P VAR.S VARA VARPA WIEBULL.DIST Z.TEST CHAR CLEAN CODE CONCATENATE DOLLAR EXACT FIND FINDB FIXED LEFT LEFTB LEN LENB LOWER MID MIDB PROPER REPLACE REPLACEB REPT RIGHT RIGHTB SEARCH SEARCHB SUBSTITUTE T TEXT TRIM UPPER USDOLLAR VALUE ACOT ACOTH AGGREGATE ARABIC BASE BINOM.DIST.RANGE BITAND BITLSHIFT BITOR BITRSHIFT BITXOR CEILING.MATH COMBINA COT COTH CSC CSCH DAYS DECIMAL ENCODEURL FILTERXML FLOOR.MATH GAMMA GAUSS IFNA IMCOSH IMCOT IMCSC IMCSCH IMSEC IMSECH IMSINH IMTAN ISFORMULA ISO.CEILING ISOWEEKNUM MUNIT NUMBERVALUE PDURATION PERMUTATIONA PHI RRI SEC SECH SHEET SHEETS SKEW.P UNICHAR UNICODE WEBSERVICE XOR All types, operators, defined names, data tables and arrays. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorksheet Samples > Named RangesRange Samples > Values and Formulas > What-If Data TableRange Samples > Values and Formulas > Create Array Formula Support for 64K worksheets and unlimited workbooks in formulas. Worksheet specific defined names and global defined names. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorksheet Samples > Named Ranges Built-In Document Properties and Custom Document Properties. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Miscellaneous > Built-In and Custom Document Properties Custom functions, minimal recalc, iteration, precision as displayed and more. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Calculation Engine > Custom Functions Copy formulas between cells, worksheets, workbooks and workbook sets with full support for reference fixups. Insert and delete worksheets, rows, columns and cells with full support for reference fixups. Cut, copy and paste with full support for smart reference fixups across multiple worksheets and workbooks.Special care was taken with numerical stability.rounding precision accuracy floating point arithmetic Workbook Features Read and write workbooks to disk, memory streams and byte arrays. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbookSavingExcel 2007-2019 Open XML (*.xlsx)Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)Excel 2007-2019 Macro-Enabled Open XML (*.xlsm)Workbook EncryptionSave to Stream or Byte ArrayWorkbookOpeningExcel and Text-Based FilesPassword-Protected FilesOpening from Stream or Byte ArrayMemoryStream Read and write password protected xls, xlsx and xlsm workbooks, including new Agile Encryption used by Excel 2013 and later. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Opening > Password-Protected FilesWorkbook > Saving > Workbook Encryption Workbook and worksheet scoped named ranges. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorksheet Samples > Named Ranges Built-In Document Properties and Custom Document Properties. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Miscellaneous > Built-In and Custom Document Properties Options to show and hide worksheet tabs and scrollbars. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Miscellaneous > Workbook and Worksheet Windows Helper methods to convert Excel Serial Dates and Times to .NET DateTime objects and back. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbook > Miscellaneous > DateTimes and Excel Serial Numeric Dates Worksheet Features AutoFilters SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Auto Filter Top or bottom n items. Top or bottom n percent. Above or below average. Last day, month, quarter, week or year. This day, month, quarter, week or year. Next day, month, quarter, week or year. Specific day, month, year, hour, minute or second. Year to date. Filter by font color, interior color or conditional format icon. Custom criteria such as ">50". Filter by specific list of values. Support for the SUBTOTAL function which works in conjunction with autofilters to return various statistics for filtered items including average, count, max, min, product, standard deviation, sum and variance. Autofilter support in many commands including cell formatting, copy paste, fill, delete and more. Drag Fill / AutoFill, including support for numbers, dates, times, month names, day names and certain text patterns. Fill Data Series support including automatic, chronological, linear, growth, day, weekday, month, year, start value, step value, stop value and the ability to use regression for linear or exponential trends. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Fill Data Series GoalSeek - Fast single variable and single target goal seeking. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Values and Formulas > Goal Seek Cell Data Validation - including operators, alert messages, alert styles, custom formulas and drop-down lists. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > Validation Conditional Formatting Simple comparison operators SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Cell Value Custom formulas SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Custom Expression Icon Sets SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Icon Set Data Bars SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Data Bar Color Scales SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Color Scale Highlight Cells SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Unique Values Top n / Bottom n Rules SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Conditional Formats > Top 10 Advanced Rules Overlapping Rules ADO.NET DataSet and DataTable Conversion SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > SQL DataTable to WorkbookExcel Reporting > SQL DataTable to Template WorkbookExcel Reporting > DataTable to Excel WorkbookExcel Reporting > DataTable to Excel Workbook with ChartExcel Reporting > DataTable to Excel Workbook with Formats and Formulas Supports 1,048,576 rows, 16,384 columns, 64K worksheets, unlimited workbooks and unlimited workbook sets. Insert, delete and clear rows, columns and cells. Enable or disable worksheet protection, worksheet passwords and cell locking. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Lock and Protect Cells Autoshapes, text boxes and pictures including JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WMF and EMF. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Excel Report with PictureJPG JPEG PNG GIF BMP bitmaps images Printing Features Print workbooks, worksheets, ranges and charts in any combination. Horizontal and vertical page breaks. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesPage Setup and Printing Samples > Manual Page Breaks Page Setup Options Print area, title rows / title columns and orientation. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesPage Setup and Printing Samples > PrintArea, PrintTitles and Orientation Margins, page order, page zoom and fit to pages. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesPage Setup and Printing Samples > Zoom and FitToPages Custom headers and footers included embedded pictures. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesPage Setup and Printing Samples > Print Headers and Footers Print preview. Print to XPS files. Charting Features The most comprehensive Excel compatible charting support available in a Microsoft .NET Framework component. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesChartingBasicColumn ChartLine ChartPie ChartBar ChartArea ChartStockH-L-C Stock ChartO-H-L-C Stock ChartV-H-L-C Stock ChartV-O-H-L-C Stock ChartScatter ChartBubble ChartRadar ChartGantt ChartCombination ChartEmbed Picture In ChartCreate Chart SheetASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel ChartingDynamic Chart GalleryBasic ChartStock ChartStacked Combination ChartGantt Chart3D Cylinder ChartExcel Report with Formatted ChartExcel Report with Chart (From Template Workbook) GDI+ and XAML imaging classes provide the ability to generate an image (such as GIF or PNG) with one line of code. SamplesRelated Samples:ASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Chart and Range Imaging > Simple Chart ImageExcel Chart and Range Imaging > Simple Range Image with ChartExcel Chart and Range Imaging > SpreadsheetGear Image Rendering UtilityExcel Chart and Range Imaging > Dynamic Chart GalleryJPG JPEG BMP bitmaps images Chart rendering supports the most common charting features:Chart types include area, bar, column, line, pie, stock, XY scatter, radar and bubble charts. AreaStacked BarClustered BarOfPie BarStacked Bubble ColumnClustered ColumnStacked Combination ConeBarClustered ConeBarStacked ConeColClustered ConeColStacked CylinderBarClustered CylinderBarStacked CylinderColClustered CylinderColStacked Doughnut DoughnutExploded PieExploded PieOfPie PyramidBarClustered PyramidBarStacked PyramidColClustered PyramidColStacked RadarFilled RadarMarkers StockHLC StockOHLC StockVHLC Stock VOHLC SurfaceTopViewWireframe SurfaceWireframe XYScatterLinesNoMarkers XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers Chart type options include multiple chart groups (combination charts), stacked and 100% stacked values, bar gap and overlap, line markers, drop lines, high-low lines, trendlines, series line smoothing, open-close bars, error bars, exploded pies, and data point labels. Axes options include axes titles, primary and secondary axes sets, auto and manual scaling, logarithmic and date scales, major and minor gridlines and tick marks, reversed axes, tick label positions and rotated text. General chart options include chart titles, legends, theme colors, auto colors, gradients including Excel compatible preset gradients, solid and dashed line styles, number formats and fonts. Formatting Features Number formats, including full support for getting and setting Excel compatible custom number formats as well as getting the formatted text of a cell as Excel would display it. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > Number FormatsASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Excel Report with Formulas and Formatting Fonts, borders, cell interior color and gradient fills, Office theme colors with tinting and shading, RGB colors, Excel palette indexed colors and patterns. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > FontRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > BordersRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > Interior Horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, word wrap and rotated text. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > Orientation Merged cells, hyperlinks and conditional formats. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Merge CellsRange Samples > Formatting and Other Cell Features > HyperlinksRange SamplesConditional FormatsColor ScaleData BarIcon SetTop 10Above AverageUnique ValuesCell ValueCustom ExpressionAlternating Row Colors Grouping and outlining of rows and columns. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesRange Samples > Operations > Group and OutlineASP.NET Razor Pages SamplesExcel Reporting > Group, Outline and Summarize to Excel Automatic row heights and column widths. Copy formats without affecting formulas or values. Named cell style support. SamplesRelated Samples:SpreadsheetGear API SamplesWorkbookStylesCreate StyleModify Style Spreadsheet Control Features SpreadsheetGear Explorer Sample Solutions for Windows provide source code which demonstrates commonly used features and APIs. SamplesRelated Samples: Windows Forms and WPF WorkbookView spreadsheet controls provide viewing, navigation and editing support which is familiar to Excel users. In-cell editing and optional FormulaBar control provide the ability to enter and edit cell values and formulas, including support for pointing at cell references in formulas across worksheets and workbooks. Smart data entry with optional data validation as well as automatic recognition and formatting of dates, times, percentages, currency, scientific notation and fractions will be familiar to Excel users. Conditional formatting enables font colors, font styles, background colors, borders as well as other graphical features such icon sets, data bars, color scales and more, which are based on simple comparison operators, complex formulas or more advanced rules. Grouping and outlining which allows users to easily expand and collapse the displayed level of detail. WorkbookDesigner provides an MDI Windows application which may be used from within Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022 at Design Time and by your applications at run time.VS2012 VS2013 VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 VS2022 WorkbookExplorer provides the ability to manipulate workbooks, worksheets and defined names as well as their properties. RangeExplorer provides extensive modeless formatting of the currently selected range with support for number formats, alignment, fonts, borders, colors, patterns, gradients, protection options, hyperlinks, conditional formats and data validation. ChartExplorer provides basic modeless modification and formatting of the selected chart with support for chart types and data sources, legend options, primary and secondary axes options and various series options. Modeless find and replace dialog with support for find, find all, replace and replace all. Support for an unlimited number of workbooks associated with each WorkbookView. DisplayReference and DisplayReferenceName properties allow complete control over what appears for each sheet tab, including the ability to make multiple workbooks appear as one workbook and the ability to specify dynamically changing ranges using worksheet functions such as OFFSET(). Cut, copy, paste and paste special support including rich data and formatting interchange with Excel and full formula fixups. Frozen rows and columns, split panes, sheet tab colors, zoom, multi-level undo/redo, autofit rows and columns, goto, clear, printing, print preview, interruptible background calculation, real time workbook updates and more. CommandManager provides the ability to add custom undoable commands as well as the ability to override the behavior of common commands. Full integration with Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 including the ability to use the WorkbookDesigner, WorkbookExplorer, RangeExplorer, ChartExplorer and ShapeExplorer at design time and at runtime.VS2005 VS2008 VS2010 VS2012 VS2013 VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 Supported File FormatsXLSX - Open XML WorkbookXLSM - Open XML Macro Enabled WorkbookXLS - Excel 97-2003 WorkbookCSV - Comma Delimited TextTXT - Tab Delimited Text Microsoft .NET Features Easy to use API which will be familiar to Excel VBA and COM developers while taking advantage of .NET's expressiveness. Supports 32- and 64- bit versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework NET 3.5 .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5.x, .NET 4.6.x, .NET 4.7.x, .NET 4.8, as well as .NET 6 and any platform that supports .NET Standard 2.0. Supports 32- and 64- bit versions of Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 (including R2), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022. Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022 integration, including IntelliSense and Dynamic Help.VS2012 VS2013 VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 VS2022 The security of 100 percent safe managed code which does not require FullTrust. Hassle-free deployment with strong-named assemblies as well as no license keys, registry entries or configuration issues. No dependency on Microsoft Excel, which is not supported in a server environment.Automation COM Interop Supported Excel-Compatible Functions 449 of Excel's financial, date, time, text, lookup, math, trigonometry, statistical, engineering, database, information, logical and web functions. Click here for a list of unsupported functions. 2ff7e9595c

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